Dad, Father, Pops, and Daddy are some of the titles bestowed upon these special men. The following poem reveals some of the characteristics that God establishes in men that they may fulfill the special calling of being a father.
The warmth of a summer sun, the calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature, the comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages, the power of the eagle’s flight,
The joy of a morning in spring, the faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity, the depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities, when there was nothing more to add,
He knew his masterpiece was complete, and so, He called it Dad
The idea of celebrating a national holiday for father’s did not catch on the way that Mother’s Day did. One florist noted that fathers did not have the same sentimental appeal that mothers have. The first national event honoring fathers was held on July 5, 1908 in West Virginia honoring 362 men who had perished in a coal mine explosion.
Slowly, the holiday was accepted and officially honored on the third Sunday in June, but it would take determination and grit, primarily through the efforts of a woman named Sonora Smart Dodd to see the nationally recognized day come to fruition. Ms. Dodd was one of six children raised by William Smart, a widower and selfless and devoted dad to Sonora and 13 other children. As Ms. Dodd attended the first Mother’s Day service, she wondered why there was not the same kind of loving service for fathers. She was so touched by her father’s devotion to his children that she remarked, “I remember everything about him. He was both father and mother to me and my brothers and sisters.”
Our heavenly Father wants us to have that kind of appreciation and devotion to Him. He wants us to recognize how much He loves and cares for us. Regardless of how good our earthly fathers have been, the love of God is matchless demonstrating all of the characteristic above and more. As well, He also, plays the role of both mother and father to us.
Our staff recognizes the special love and protection that comes from a father. We offer honor and best wishes for a most wonderful Father’s Day whether you are a new day or one who has been around for a while. For those whose fathers are no longer with us, we pray that you have beautiful, precious memories.