It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! Is it really? If we’re old enough, we’ve likely heard that delightful catchy tune during Christmas seasons and even sung along with it. But what do we do when we’ve lost loved ones and feel that it’s the most painful time of the year?.
As difficult as grief is, it is amplified during holidays. Afterall, many holidays are centered around traditions and celebrating with the special people in our lives who are now missing.
Remember that tears are normal, and grief is personal and unique for everyone. You have a right to both. Accept the fact that holidays will be different, but you can create new traditions in memory of your loved one. Cherish good times, talk about them, laugh about them, and, yes, cry about them. It’s okay. The beautiful poem is on point: They do know that we hurt; they do want us to have joy again; and they will always be with us.
If you are a person of faith, it may be helpful to “flip the script” on the sadness that comes at Christmas in thinking of loved ones who have passed.
Instead of thinking how sad it is that they are not with us at Christmas, consider whom they are with – Jesus. Consider the amazing fact of your loved one being with Christ on Christmas Day. That makes it indeed, the most wonderful time of the year even when it does not feel wonderful, even when the pain is indescribable and it feels unfair.
Finally, know that God loves you and accepts you for where you are in your grief process right now. He understands even when we may not understand why.
The Ritchie & Johnson staff wishes you a blessed Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year. We care for you and pray for your comfort and peace.